Taiwan Diffusion vacuum pump manufacturers Keywords www.vacuum-guide.com

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Agilent Diffusion pumps Agilent Technologies Taiwan Limited - www.agilent.com
- No.20, Gaoshuang Rd., Pingzhen City, Taoyuan County, 32450 Taiwan, R.O.C.

email: vpw-customerservice@agilent.com, Tel. +886 3 495-9285

安捷伦真空部门,以前的瓦里安真空,是一个国际知名的真空设备供应商。可以提供真空泵、检漏仪、真空元件、真空附件等一系列的真空获得、真空控制和真空测量设备。上世纪50年代发明离子泵使人类第一次获得了超高真空开始,我们一直走在真空技术的最前沿,离子泵之后,我们对扩散泵和检漏技术做出了重大发展,在分子泵和干泵技术上做出了重要改进,直到最近,开发出了革命性的 TwisTorr FS分子泵和IDP系列干泵。
products: Diffusion pumps
  • During the last 40 years Agilent has earned its position as the leading diffusion pump manufacturer in the world. We produce the most comprehensive family of diffusion pumps, with pumping speeds ranging from 90 l/s to over 35,000 l/s for helium and hydrogen.
  • Agilent diffusion pumps deliver large volume pumping at the lowest total cost, providing the highest throughput available per unit of power, reduced cooling water requirements, and rugged, durable construction.
  • Agilent designs and produces vapor jets that deliver the highest throughput, pressure stability, and foreline pressure tolerance available, while reducing backstreaming to a minimum.
  • Agilent can provide additional features such as Halo or custom baffles to eliminate additional backstreaming and a Quick Cool Coil option to accelerate system cycle times.



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