Vacuum pumps for the chemical processing industry Keywords

ATEX vacuum pumps dry screws liquid ring vacuum ejector more vacuum pumps
general industrial vacuum process vacuum engineering other vacuum applications
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hycoLAB chemical-resistant diaphragm pump hyco® Vakuumtechnik GmbH -
- Konrad-Zuse-Bogen 1, 82152 Krailling, Deutschland

email:, Tel. +49 (0)89 85 66 19 00

Die hyco® Vakuumtechnik GmbH wurde 1968 gegründet und ist Hersteller von Membran- und Kolbenpumpen zur Gasförderung.
products: Chemical-resistant diaphragm pump for aggressive solvents and acid vapours

The new chemically resistant hycoLAB vacuum pump from hyco vacuum technology is a dry-running diaphragm pump designed for chemical processing applications.

To achieve chemical resistance, resistant materials such as PTFE and Kalrez have been used in the conveying area. The pump can be used for all laboratory applications where acid and solvent vapors need to be evacuated. This can be e.g. drying processes, filtrations or distillations.

LVI Engineered vacuum systems Le Vide Industriel SA (LVI) -
- Parc d'Activités des Béthunes, 26, Avenue de l'Ile de France
Saint-Ouen-l'Aumône, 95078 Cergy-Pontoise Cedex, France

email:, Tel. +33 (0)1 34 40 33 90
products: Purpose-built packages meeting each customer's specification

Engineered vacuum systems: multi-stages-ejectors systems, closed loop hydroejectors systems (POLYVAC®), ejectors + liquid ring vacuum pumps (VAPYDRO®), closed loop liquid ring vacuum pumps (ECOVAC®), roots blowers + liquid ring vacuum pumps, gas scrubbers.
References: Atofina, Solvay, Ciba-Geigy

Groupes à vide sur spécification client, toutes technologies : tout éjecteurs, hydroéjecteurs en circuit fermé (POLYVAC®), éjecteurs + pompes à anneau liquide (VAPYDRO®), pompes à anneau liquide en circuit fermé (ECOVAC®),dépresseurs roots + pompes à anneau liquide, laveurs de gaz.



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