Seawater Desalination with Reverse Osmosis Keywords

about desalination Vacuum desalination America Asia Pacific EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA

Dissalazione SCAM S.r.l. -
- Orbassano 365/24, 10137 Torino, Italia

email:, Tel. +39 011 311 1665
products: RO (Reverse Osmosis) Sea Water Desalting Plants

For many years, SCAM has been specializing in the design and manufacture of on-shore and marine plants for the production of fresh water from sea water.
We were ready to adapt to the new technologies that use semi-permeable membranes, and we developed the SCAM Reverse osmosis plant used in our RO (Reverse Osmosis) Sea Water Desalting Plants, with a capacity ranging from 1 to 2,000 T of pure and ultra-pure water per day.
We are proudly owner of the Zero Discharge patent applied to this system.



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