Canada vacuum gauges Keywords

leak detection mass flow meter residual gas analysis vacuum components America Asia Pacific Europe

Pfeiffer Vacuum Vacuum Measurement Vacuum Products Canada Inc. -
- 561, Rue Toulouse Lautrec, Granby, QC J2J 0C6, Canada

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Pfeiffer Vacuum is a vacuum technology world leader for more than 130 years: an important milestone was the invention of the turbopump in our company more than 50 years ago. Our comprehensive range of solutions, products and services includes vacuum pumps, measurement and analysis equipment, up to complex vacuum systems.
products: Vacuum Measurement

Many vacuum applications operate only in a specific pressure range. Analog and digital total vacuum or pressure measurement instruments are employed to measure and control the total pressure in a vacuum system.

Pfeiffer Vacuum offers you three different lines of total pressure gauges:
  • ActiveLine: Total pressure measurement with analog signal output
  • DigiLine™: Total pressure measurement with digital signal output
  • ModulLine: for applications in research & development



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